Good morning everyone! Today marks a very special day as two powerhouses on the webcomic scene collide in one epic piece of Team Stryker fan art from the always talented and always hilarious Jon Esparza. I met Jon on Twitter when I was first starting out with Team Stryker and he was always there to give helpful advice or just talk comics, games, movies or who would win in a deathmatch Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley. Jon is never too busy to hang out and share his wisdom or just discuss favorite Weird Al songs. I personally own two of Jon’s custom shirts as well as one volume of his classic comics. To me, Jon belongs on everyone’s bookshelves next to their Dilbert, Garfield, and Calvin and Hobbes collections.
All of Jon’s amazing comics can be found on his website Jon’s Crazy Stuff and don’t forget to find him on Twitter and tell him Andrew sent you!