Here it is! The page you have waited all weekend to see! The second part to the two page spread that started on Thursday! This page was one of the many highlights of drawing issue 3 as it was so much fun to try and find 4 different ways for Team Stryker to tear their clothes off. Casanova and V-Scope really get the best ones since they’re the most unorthodox characters. I had to draw Nova several times to get his intensity nailed down, while for V for I just thought “How would a 6 year old take off his shirt?” and that basically sums up V-Scope’s mentality. V-Scope is less of a stoner and more of a 6 year old trapped in a man’s body that just happens to be gifted with a sniper rifle. I already have a true “Stoner” character planned but I don’t want to say too much on him until then.
With Christmas right around the corner there is no better time to check out the Team Stryker store to get all your holiday shopping done! Nothing says “I don’t hate you” like a Team Stryker shirt, hat or shot glass!
Have a great start to the week and I’ll see you back here on Thursday for Team Stryker Mission 003 Page 04!