TGIF everyone and happy May Long Weekend! After all the excitement of Mexico I completely forgot that this weekend is a long one so that is like finding a $20 on the way to cash in your winning lottery ticket. It also means that I won’t be around on Monday so you guys will have to wait just a little bit longer for the final page of Team Stryker Mission 005 but I promise it will be worth the wait! Mission 005 will leave with a direct tie in to Mission 006 which I’m very hard at work on right now. The issue is half drawn and almost half colored as well. Once I have half of the issue done I will do the cover and then it will be ready to start being uploaded to my adoring public. I’m hoping to only have 2-3 weeks between Mission 005 and Mission 006 so don’t go far.

I’ll be keeping everyone updated on Facebook and Twitter so you never have to go far for your Team Stryker news.
