Team Stryker is coming at you from the Edmonton Comic Expo! I’m in Edmonton with Sabrina has she helps me spread the word about Team Stryker and all its brilliance. We were here last year with just 4 issues and now I have 6 issues plus a bunch cool swag. My personal favorites are the bead figures of Casanova, V-Scope, Eagleheart and Deadeye. They are just too cute/manly. If they are popular enough I really want to versions of each villain as well. If you have a personal favorite let me know on Facebook and Twitter.
If you’re in Edmonton this weekend be sure to come to Artist Alley and say, take pics and just have fun! Look for the giant V-Scope riding Jeffery II banner and that’s where I’ll be.
There won’t be a new Team Stryker page on Monday as I’ll be recovering from the Expo and will most likely sleep through the day. Mission 006 is just getting started though so there is still lots to look forward to as we head into fall.
– Andrew