I hope you’re all having a pleasant and promising 2016 so far. This year I’m going to really try to make some big things happen for Team Stryker behind the scenes. I really want to get Team Stryker on Comixology as well as any other digital media program I can. I also want to get the Volume 001 books in stores, or at the very least, make great strides towards that goal. It’s always tough trying to find the time to do all that behind the scenes stuff since it isn’t nearly as much fun as making the comics themselves.

Even if I do get Team Stryker in stores, I’ll continue to keep www.teamstrykercomic.com free for all. I love being able to get Team Stryker into as many people’s hands as possible. As long as at least one person (not including myself) is checking out the website week after week I’ll continue to bring new pages as fast as I can.
