We’re one page away from completing Mission 009 and under two weeks away from the Edmonton Expo! I’ve been doing a lot of sketching and commissions to try and make sure that when I start on Mission 010 it’s the best issue ever! Mission 010 is going to be a massive undertaking so I’m trying to give myself lots of time to get it done.

My large order of Mission 009 books should be arriving any day and I can’t wait to see how they look. It’s always an exciting feeling to hold a book in my hands for the first time. It took me over a year to finish Mission 009 so this will be a very special occasion.

Hopefully I’ll see some of you at the Edmonton Expo happening the weekend of September 22-24! I’m currently working on some pre-con commissions so if you have any specific commissions you’d like to see let me know on Facebook, Twitter or on Instagram at @TSComic.
