Here it is! The last page to Mission 010. I started pre-production on this issue back in September 2017 so it’s been a BIG part of my life for the last year and half. I’m both excited and saddened that it’s finished. It’s like saying “goodbye” to a friend I’ve spent every day with or talking about.
All the books have been ordered and shold *crosses fingers* arrive before the Calgary Expo at the end of April. I’m going to have regular single issues, a Volume 002 trade paperback containing issues 006-010 as well as a Calgary Expo exclusive that I’ll reveal a little later.
I’ve already started pre-production on Mission 011 but it might be a little bit before I start updating finished pages on the website. I’ll do my best to keep new updates coming, but keep checking on Team Stryker on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TSComic for all updates.
Thank you to all of those that have stuck with me as I’ve worked on Mission 010 as I know it took a long time to get to you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!