Happy Monday Team Strykerites! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today’s page of Team Stryker was special for me as I got to have a good friend of mine star as the paparazzi. When I wrote this page I really wanted to have my friend Ryan be the doomed cameraman but I wanted to make sure he was okay with it. Once I got his approval to be on the page (with the promise that he will have his own villain down the line) I was free to do whatever I wanted with him.

I’m not a huge social media person, I try my best as I want to be able to talk to all the awesome people on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc but I’m usually so busy making the comic I don’t have much time to talk about it. I had to do some research for all the slang and technical terms that people use. It’s like learning a whole new language! If you ever want to chat the best places to find me and Team Stryker are on our Facebook page or on Twitter.

Have a great start to the week and I’ll see you back here on Wednesday for the behind the scenes look at page 05!
